Branding Modules



Apple logo is an iconic logo which is recognized instantly across the world. It is elegant, easy to use and customer friendly. The apple logo works so well due to its instantly recognizable shape.

# World's No.1 Brand

Brand -

A good logo is a cornerstone of any brand and shows what a company does and what the brand values.The logo design is all about creating an ideal visual brand mark for a company. As every tiny thing matters in the business, the logo also plays a vital role when your business has competition.

A well-designed logo builds trust, grabs attention and makes a stronger impression of a company.
The strong foundation of your identity separates you from other competitions and grabs attention
of new  customers.

Industry - Technology

$ 0 B
Brand Value
Brand -

Taglines or Slogans are something that gives you an add on and a new opportunity to state what your brand is all about. Taglines has the
capability to reach your brand to the world. It is an external way to communicate the essence of your brand.

Taglines are similar to logos which sticks in people's mind easily and turns into an iconic feature of your brand.A great slogan spreads like a wild-fire and it is a powerful tool for your brand recognition. Taglines and slogans create one more way to connect with your customers.

Industry - Apparel

$ 0 B
Brand Value

Tagline / Slogan


You hear the three simple words, “Just do it ” and instantly think of Nike. While not every successful business has a tagline or slogan. Developing a catchy, memorable slogan is an effective way to market your brand.

# 13th / 100 Rank in Forbes 2020

Typography / Font


Coca-Cola is a world renowned beverage company so it is of no surprise that its iconic logo is widely recognized. The two words embody a cursive style but still very clear due to even spacing and contrast between the font and the background color.

# 6th Valuable Brand in the World

Brand -

Typography or font in a logo should be creative. It is a brave attempt to convey multiple complicated messages and ideas into its simplest form as possible. Logos which has simple,
clear and strong typography gains
more attraction.

As a budding brand, to establish or create relationships with your audience communication is the key and typography is effective communication tool one can use.

Industry - Beverage

$ 0 B
Brand Value
Brand -

 Ideas are greatly stimulated by the process of transformation. Converting things from one form or medium into another can guide thoughts in totally new and exciting directions. One idea leads to another and then you’re set on the ideas trail. Even the most rudimentary sketches are an asset to the logo design process. After working through ideation and concept sketching, you’ll be equipped with a dependable blueprint for refining the logo. This will be a reference layer for digital refinement

Industry - Oil and Gas

$ 0 M
Brand Value



Research brings more creative outputs, as ideas get transferred from mind to paper. A great way to kickstart the logo design process called ideation, is a brainstorming session - a time of capturing relevant concepts and narrowing it on the most viable options.

# 7th Leading Oil & Gas MNC in World



Baskin-Robbins, owned by Dunkin’ Brands, is the world’s largest chain of ice cream specialty shops, best known for its 31 flavors.

# 29 / 100 Franchise 500 Rank

Brand -

The company’s pink and blue logo depicts a large “BR” that doubles as the number “31”. Carol Austin, VP of marketing for Baskin-Robbins, told CNBC that the logo is meant to convey the fun and energy of the Baskin-Robbins brand as well as the iconic 31 where 31 stands for our belief that our guests should have the opportunity to explore a fun, new ice cream flavor every day of
the month as Austin explained. The logo was introduced in 2005 as part of an entire brand refresh.

Industry - Ice Cream outlet chain

$ 0 B
Brand -

The technological advancements in industries make the culture to evolve overtime. According to the timely changes in fashion and customer
opinions, the need for upgrading your logo is necessary and this leads to evolution.

Industry - Automobile

$ 0 B



Renault is often referred to as the diamond brand. For the past 90 years, the brand identity has been summed up by the letters in the name Renault and by the diamond-shaped logo.

# Motoring World Awards 2020

Chronological Order

1898 – Founded
1900 – First logo with Initials
1946 – Diamond logo
( yellow colour as brand colour)
1992 – Without name
2007 – Inside Yellow Square
2015 – Present logo (till 2021)



Google is a multinational company which is specialized in Internet related services and products. It includes a search engine, software and hardware, cloud computing, online advertising technologies.Google often surprises with themed logos/doodles.

# Best Company Culture 2020

Brand -

The themed logos are showcased for all occasions which includes big events like Christmas, New year,Valentine's day to simple events like Earth day, Corporate parties, etc.

We can create or transform your existing logo into an eye-catching visual for your unique marketing, annual corporate event or to showcase your events that support a global
cause also to have engaging digital world profile.

Industry - Technology

$ 0 B
Brand Value
Brand -

The logo consists of the company's name, its values and the mathematical symbol at the top. The main theme of the logo implies that the company is constantly striving for the future, growth and development. Initially the logo type received many criticisms which are vanished completely when it reached success in the market. The term Accenture meant to convey the message as "accent on the future".

Industry - business services

$ 0
Design Cost



Accenture logo is one of the costliest logos in the world. Accenture is an Irish multinational company that provides consulting and processing services. A whopping sum of nine digit amount was paid for the logo.

# Fortune's Blue Ribbon Company