Logo Types

Pictorial Logo Mark


The Logo of Twitter is a pictorial mark of a bird making it easily recognizable among other logos.The vital thing to consider is the element you choose to represent. Twitter trends become the talk of the day. Celebrity tweets make a brand more trustable.

# Most Powerful Brands - 19/100

Brand -

A pictorial mark is an icon or graphic-based logo. It’s probably an image that comes to mind when you think “logo” the iconic Apple logo or the Twitter bird logo making it stand out amongst others.You need to think about the broader implications of the image you choose.

Iconic brand recognition makes it outsmart competitors also unbranded ones. It has great
potential to boost the reputation of your brand making it easily recognizable thereby opening up new markets and channels for trade.A true brand mark is only an image.

Industry - Social Networking

$ 0 B
Net Worth
Brand -

An abstract mark is a specific type of pictorial logo.Instead of being a recognizable image like an apple or a bird it’s an abstract geometric form
that represents your business.Without relying on the convention complications like the specific image we can create the true essence of a brand through the abstract mark logo.

The benefit of an abstract mark is that you are able to convey the objectives of your company graphically thereby allowing you to represent
your brand truly in a unique manner.Even with a minimal presentation, it is capable of attracting customers.

Industry - beverage MNC

$ 0 B
Net Worth

Abstract Logo Mark


A famous example includes the Pepsi divided circle. Like all logo symbols, abstract marks work really well because they condense your brand into a single image. This is not a picture but attracts audience and captures through the idea of a geometric figure.


Letter Mark Logo


NASA is one of the biggest space agencies in the world. It is much easier to say and remember NASA Vs the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.Because the focus is on initials it does not move away from the message conveyed but also precise.

# World's No.1 Space Agency

Brand -

A letter mark is a typography-based logo that’s comprised of a few letters,usually a company’s initials. With few letters to remember, they have each turned to use their initials for brand identification purposes.The letter mark is all about simplicity.

In short, utilizing just a few letters letter mark logos are effective at streamlining any company brand if they have a long name.It is very important to make sure your logo is not only on theme with what your company does,but also legible when you print on business cards.

Industry - space research Agency

$ 0 B
Brand -

A wordmark is a font-based logo that focuses on a business name alone. Wordmark logos work well when a company has a succinct and distinct
name.Innovative enterprises tend to use clean,elegant fonts that feel high-end, while legal or government agencies almost always stick to traditional, “heavier” text that feels secure.

Catchy Brand Name when combined with
strong typography helps to create strong brand recognition. Also, like with a letter mark logo, typography will be an important decision.Since the focus will be on your name, you will want to pick a font or create a font that captures the
essence of what your business does.

Industry - conglometric Mnc

$ 0 B
Net Worth

Word Mark Logo


The origin of the company name “SONY” is derivative of the Latin word “Sonus”, which means sound, and the words sunny and sonny, which served as the inspiration for the earliest Sony logo. These logos are easier to remember the brand name and are simple to use. The name itself is catchy and more identifiable and memorable.

# World's No.1 Brand

Combinational / Conceptual Mark Logo


Some well-known combination mark logos include Burger King, Doritos and Lacoste. Due to the reason being capable of creating a distinct image combinable of symbol and text are usually easier in creating an unique logo than the pictorial image.

# World's Most Valuable Brands

Brand -

A combination mark is a logo comprised of a combined typography with a pictorial mark or abstract mark, or mascot. The picture and text can be laid out side-by-side, stacked on top of each other, or integrated to create an image.

A combination mark is a versatile choice, where both the text & icon or mascot work together to
reinforce your brand. With a combination mark, people will also begin to associate your name.In the future you may be able to rely on a logo symbol, and not have to always include your brand name.

Industry - Fast food chain

$ 0 B
Net Worth
Brand -

An emblem consists of font inside a symbol or an icon like badges,seals and crests. These logos tend to have a traditional appearance about them that is capable of creating a striking impact, making them go to choice for many schools, organizations or government agencies.

A logo involving an emblem lean towards higher detail and the fact that the name and symbol are rigidly entwined. An intricate emblem design won’t be easy to replicate across all branding. Keep an uncomplicated and bold look that’ll make your brand look professional.

Industry - Coffee House Chain

$ 0 B
Net Worth

Emblem Mark Logo


Some companies have effectively modernized their traditional emblem look with designs that are compatible with new trends Think of the evident famous “ Starbucks ” iconic emblem of mermaid. The auto industry is also very fond of emblem logos.

# World's Most Valuable Brands

Monogram / Minimal Mark Logo


The FedEx logo is mostly known for its tricky optical illusion.The Logo contains hidden messaging, for as, keen observers will notice how the FedEx logo contains a white arrow shape, in the negative space between the letters E and X, to symbolize delivery accuracy.

# Top Regarded Companies

Brand -

A monogram logo is a decorative design made up of a combination to create a single symbol.The letters in this logo style may also be combined with imagery to illustrate the concept of the brand further. Minimal design refers to a clean aesthetic that takes the “less is more” approach.

By Eliminating mental labour in the process of trying to decipher convoluted images, minimalist
designs make it incredibly easy to understand what your logo is trying to tell us.They encompass a single, fundamental design concept that can be used across backgrounds and mediums.

Industry - logistics

$ 0 B
Net Worth ( Approx)
Brand -

Mascot logos are logos that involve an illustrated character. A Simple attractive illustrated character that represents your company also acts as the ambassador for your business. Often colorful, sometimes even as a cartoon or in a
comical manner.

Think of all those mascots at sporting events and the great dynamic they create by getting
involved with the audience. Mascots are great for companies that want to create a wholesome
atmosphere by appealing to families and children.

Industry - Fast food chain

$ 0 B
Net Worth

Mascot / illustration Logo Mark


Famous mascots include KFC’s Colonel. The mascot logo is a great way to create your very own brand. Mascot act as the ambassador for your business. So as always mascots also have an impact on logo and branding.

# Restaurant Excellence Award

Get Your Brand New Logo

A well-designed logo builds trust,grabs attention and makes a stronger impression of a company. So make your logo unique and outwit others brands.